Kategori: Allmänt
I stayed at Nocrich. Baking pizza. Fireing in the oven for 3 hours and baking a pizza in 5 minutes.
Nadia wanted me to come with her on another hike. This time it was a cooperation with a sports store so we had 20 people up at Platinis. I think. Walked them uphill 1 and a half hour and then had a lunchbreak with workshops. And that's what Nadia wanted from me. Teaching how to make bracelets!
Well the hike was nice. It was only a small hill to climb at 1600 meters of altitude.
Ruxi came to Nocrich and it was nice to se her again. One from the old gang!
They made me the coordinator for disconight. Don't they now me by now? Give me a piece of power and I will abuse it! So the theme for the disco became Swedish 😁
It was nice to spend some time at Nocrich. It made me remember why I'm a scout and how fun it could be. Nocrich will always have a special place in my heart. And also the people. Old friends as new ones!

I haven't done my workout more than 3 times. But I hoped it's ok with Maria. And if it's not then I'll take her with me next time and make her climb Fagaras. Maybe I'll then receive more than 3 highfives!